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In our field we deal with many interesting situations, which we like to share, but without overdoing it.


ONOMA – Newsletter January 2021

Dear Clients and Coworkers, No sooner has a difficult year ended than we have started the next one on the wrong foot. But with the vaccines in sight, we can…

Onoma Newsletter- October

Dear Clients and Coworkers,   As in previous years, my excitement grew as the next Frankfurt Book Fair drew closer. Not only because this happens to be the largest book…

Onoma Newsletter – September 2020

  Dear Customers and Collaborators! September 30th is our day, it’s the International Translator’s Day. It is the date of death of St. Jerome in 420, who translated the Old…

Onoma Newsletter – October 2019

Dear clients and coworkers, Last year, the Nobel Prize in Literature was not awarded. This year, the Swedish Academy awarded two writers: Polish laureate Olga Tokarczuk and Austrian laureate Peter Handke.…

Onoma Newsletter – September 2019

Dear clients and coworkers, Summer is coming to an end, and as it does, you might find yourself yearning for a trip to the cinema. The Miracle of the Little…

Onoma Newsletter – August 2019

Dear clients and coworkers! The second half of the summer holidays is here, and unusually, Lisbon is yet to suffer the effects of a heat wave, but that makes the…

Onoma Newsletter – July 2019

Dear clients and coworkers! For many years, ONOMA has also been working in the field of translator training, providing internships to students from the universities of Lisbon (Universidade de Lisboa and Universidade…

Onoma Newsletter – May 2019

May 29, 2019 Dear clients and co-workers!   It will be a while before the arrival of our well-deserved holidays, but I would still like to take this opportunity to…

Onoma Newsletter – April 2019

May 6, 2019 Dear clients and coworkers!   Sometimes you may feel that Portuguese literature has become just a little bit quieter. But the strong presence of Portuguese authors at…

Onoma Newsletter – 29-03-2019

Dear clients and co-workers!   Brexit is just around the corner, consentual ou not, with or without extension. And naturally, the translators also wonder what exactly this exit can mean…

Onoma Newsletter – 29-01-2019

Dear clients and co-workers! “O valor das coisas não está no tempo que elas duram / The value of things lies not in how long they last”, Fernando Pessoa said.…

Newsletter December 24-12

Dear clients and co-workers! Another year draws to a close, and as it does I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a great start…

Newsletter December – Christmas 2018

  Today, as a jest in this holiday season, we bring you a text from a mother to Santa Claus. A Letter to Santa From Mom Dear Santa, I’ve been…

Newsletter November – 22-11-2018

Dear clients and co-workers! Today, the success of English around the world seems almost all too natural for us. In the academic fields of natural sciences and economics, over 98…

Onoma Newsletter Drª Ester – September 2018

Dear Friends and Co-Workers! What is a good translator made of? Of their linguistic skills, no doubt. Of their knowledge on the most recent tech in their area of expertise,…

Onoma Newsletter Drª Ester – August 2018

Dear Friends and Co-Workers! August and this year’s holidays have arrived. With few words, I leave you with a poem by Eugénio de Andrade, that used them far better than…

Onoma Newsletter Drª Ester – july 2018

Dear clients and collaborators, Truth be told, no one knows the names of the translators that, every day, by means of their work help people from different countries understanding each…

Onoma Newsletter – june 2018

Dear clients and employees! As most of you know, I love animals, mainly dogs. In fact, many of you have had the opportunity to meet Nara here at Onoma. I…

Onoma Newsletter – May 2018

Dear clients and co-workers! Every company likes having many order requests in their portfolio and Onoma is no different. While I was thinking about that, I tried to imagine the…

Onoma Newsletter – april 2018

I’ve often been asked if I’m worried that online machine translation Apps will put the existence of translation companies at risk. These apps came about due to the globalization of the economy and the internet.

Onoma Newsletter – March 2018

Dear clients and colleagues, Recognition for complex and important translation work has been steadily increasing in these past few years. In the United Kingdom, the Translators Association – TA, created…

Onoma Newsletter – February 2018

Dear friends and co-workers! I hope the beginning of this New Year has been amazing. Today I want to talk to you about the Pope as a translation critic. Pope…

Onoma Newsletter – January 2018

Onoma celebrates its 25th birthday today! We have a history of passion for the given and the written word. A 25-year long history of strong convictions and sound principles, discipline…

Onoma Newsletter – December 2017

Dear clients and collaborators!   On behalf of ONOMA I thank you with all my heart for your trust in one more year. It was a pleasure collaborating with all…

Onoma Newsletter – November 2017

Dear clients and collaborators! Many of you have certainly already watched the film Lost in Translation by Sofia Coppola and enjoyed the scenes performed by Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray…

Onoma Newsletter – October 2017

Dear clients and collaborators!   The International Translation Day is celebrated every year on 30th September. This celebration is related to the day Saint Jerome died, in the year 420.…

ONOMA Newsletter – September 2017

Dear co-workers and collaborators,   A lot has been said and written about the President of the United States Donald Trump, most of the times unfriendly remarks. This is not…

Newsletter Onoma – August 2017

Dear clients and collaborators,   Nara, our courier and female guard dog, already went on vacation. She is in good shape and sent us this selfie: If you are also…

Onoma Newsletter July 2017

Dear colleagues and collaborators, I have occasionally mentioned here renowned translators. Today I would like to recall Gregory Rabassa, who passed away last year at the age of 94 and…

Onoma Newsletter – June 2017

Onoma Newsletter – June 2017   Dear clients and collaborators, Colours deeply affect our mood and how we feel. Grey conveys sadness, black is associated with mourning, whereas green represents spring…

Onoma Newsletter – January 2017

Onoma Newsletter – janeiro 2017         Caros Clientes e Colaboradores! Ainda se recordam do ano de 1992? Alguns de vós talvez, já que foi em janeiro desse…

Onoma Newsletter – April

Onoma Newsletter – Abril  Caros Clientes e Colaboradores! Uma vez mais temos a Páscoa à porta. Apesar de conhecermos a origem da celebração, o termo deriva do latim Pascha e do hebraico Pesah ou Pesach. Já…

Onoma Newsletter – March (second half)

Onoma Newsletter – Março  Caros Clientes e Colaboradores! O sítio web norte-americano CareerCast divulgou as melhores profissões, os Top Jobs de 2014. Entre as 200 melhores profissões, os Intérpretes/Tradutores figuram no primeiro terço da tabela,…

ONOMA Newsletter – Março 2015

Onoma Newsletter – Março   Caros Clientes e Colaboradores! Desde 2001 que a International Security Assistance Force, a ISAF, vinha a  acompanhar a guerra no Afeganistão contra os Taliban. O…

ONOMA Newsletter – Fevereiro 2015

Onoma Newsletter – Fevereiro 2015   Caros Clientes e Colaboradores! Reza a história que Salazar um dia, quando um seu ministro se preparava para sair da reunião nos paços do conselho,…

ONOMA Newsletter – Janeiro 2015

Onoma Newsletter – Janeiro 2015   Caros Clientes e Colaboradores!   Por vezes, traduzir consegue ser mesmo difícil, mas também perigoso, como acontece na revista satírica francesa Charlie Hebdo. Após…

ONOMA Newsletter – Dezembro 2014

Onoma Newsletter – Dezembro 2014   Caros Clientes e Colaboradores!   Está quase. Uma vez mais, o ano aproxima-se do fim, o Natal está quase à porta e para muitos…

ONOMA Newsletter – October 2014

Onoma Newsletter – Outubro 2014   Caros Clientes e Colaboradores! Infelizmente, por vezes, somos confrontados com perigos de que não estamos mesmo à espera e que nos afetam também a…

ONOMA Newsletter – September 2014

Onoma Newsletter – Setembro 2014   Caros Clientes e Colaboradores! Há tempos apresentámos aqui os diversos crioulos portugueses – mas esquecemo-nos de um: o São-Tomense ou Forro, falado pela maioria…

ONOMA Newsletter – July 2014

Onoma Newsletter – Julho 2014 Há já muitos anos que proporcionamos a estudantes da Universidade de Lisboa a possibilidade de fazerem um estágio na ONOMA e, assim, ficarem a conhecer…

ONOMA Newsletter – June 2014

Onoma Newsletter – Junho 2014 Caros Clientes e Colaboradores,   Também nos interessamos por futebol e acompanhamos atentamente o Campeonato do Mundo do Brasil. Mas, na verdade, nem tudo o…

ONOMA Newsletter – May 2014

Caros Clientes e Colaboradores!   Ainda falta algum tempo até agosto, mas gostaria desde já chamar a atenção para o XX.º Congresso da Federação Internacional de Tradutores (FIT). Depois de…

There’s more to life than just your face…

Há mais vida além do nosso próprio rosto… Caros Clientes e Colaboradores!   Não é nossa intenção aproveitar a nossa newsletter para dizer mal ou para nos queixarmos. Mas a…

English lessons

Aulas de Inglês Caros Clientes e Colaboradores!   Vimos hoje falar-vos uma vez mais de nós, nomeadamente da nossa oferta de aulas de línguas para empresas e embaixadas. Já lhe…

Fairphone – A seriously cool smartphone

Fairphone – Um telefone justo Caros Clientes e Colaboradores!   Todos os dias utilizamos os nossos smartphones e só muito raramente pensamos nas condições em que são produzidos. Só quando…